Birthday : 04/1978
Position: Lecturer Title
Location :
Office: Room 305
E-Mail : chunyanli@hrbeu.edu.cn
2001-2006 Ph.D in Condensed Matter Physics Jilin University
1996-2000 B. S. in Materials and Science Engineering Jilin University
Work Experience
2006.06-Present, Lecturer in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China
Teaching Experiences
2006.06-Present, College Physics Undergraduate course, Harbin EngineerinUniversity
Selected Publications
An ultra-small NiFe2O4 hollow particle/grapheme hybrid: fabrication and electromagnetic wave absorption property. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 2697–2703.
Two-dimensional net-like SnO2/ZnO heteronanostructures for high-performance H2S gas sensor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016,4:1390~1398.
doped graphene-supported Co@CoO core–shell nanoparticles as high-performance bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016,4,12046~12053.
Hierarchical nanosheet-based CoMoO4–NiMoO4 nanotubes for applications in asymmetric supercapacitors and the oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015,3,22750~22758.
Ultrathin MoSe2 Nanosheets Decorated on Carbon Fiber Cloth as Binder-Free and High-Performance Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015,7,14170~14175.
Growth of ultrathin MoS2 nanosheets with expanded spacing of(002) plane on carbon nanotubes for high-performance sodium-ion battery anodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014,6,21880~21885.
A strategy to synergistically increase the number of active edge sites and the conductivity of MoS2 nanosheets for hydrogen evolution. Nanoscale, 2015,7,8731~8738.
Ultrasmall Fe2O3 nanoparticles/MoS2 nanosheets composite as high-performance anode material for lithium ion batteries. Scientific Reprot, 2017,7,42772~42772.
Porous one-dimensional Mo2C–amorphous carboncomposites: high-efficient and durable electrocatalysts for hydrogen generation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015,17,16609~16614.
Synthesis and H2S sensing performance of MoO3/Fe2(MoO4)3 yolk/shell nanostructures. RSC Advances, 2015,5(47):37703~37709.