Dr. Lu Liu

Date:2023-07-27 ClickTimes:

Birthday : 01/1979

Position: Professor

Location : Science Building

Office: Room 328

E-Mail : liulu@hrbeu.edu.cn

Research direction: Lanthanide based luminescent matertials

ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-3516-004X


2007-2011 Ph.D in Optics                        Harbin Institution of Technology

2005-2007  M. Eng. in Optical Engineering           Harbin Engineering University

1998-2002  B. S. in Condensed Physics              Jilin University

Work Experience

2022.07-Present, Professor in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

2017.09-2017.12, Visiting Scholar in Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

2015.12-2016.12, Visiting Scholar in Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

2012.12-2017.06, Posdoctoral Research Fellow in College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China

2012.09-2022.06, Associate professor in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China

2007.09-2012.08, Lecturer in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China

Teaching Experiences

2021.03-2023.06, Rare Earth Luminescent Materials and Their Applications, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2003.03-2007.12, Demonstration of Physical Experiments, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2003.03-2022.12, College Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

Selected Publications

L. Liu, J. Zhang, Chapter 4 “Luminescence thermometry in heavily doped lanthanide nanoparticles”, Book title “Luminescent Thermometry- Applications and Uses”, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-28515-8

D. Ning, L. Xu, Y. Zhu, D. Li, H. Jiang, J.J. Carvajal, H. Li, J. Ren, L. Liu, J. Zhang, Bessel beam induced deep-penetrating bioimaging and self-monitored heating using Nd/Yb heavily doped nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters, 121 (2022) 043701.

L. Xu, Y. Liu, Z. Zhou, X. Sun, I. Ud Din, F. Khan, Y. Li, H. Li, J. Ren, J.J. Carvajal, J. Zhang, L. Liu, A new role of Yb3+—an energy reservoir for lanthanide upconversion luminescence, Nanoscale, 13 (2021) 9978-9988.

S. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Zhou, Y. Zhu, D. Ning, J. Ren, L. Liu, J. Zhang, Tm3+ heavily doped NIR-III bioprobe with 1 µm Stokes shift towards deep-tissue applications, Optics Express, 29 (2021) 42674-42683.

H. Li, X. Sun, M.K. Shahzad, L. Liu, Facile preparation of upconversion microfibers for efficient luminescence and distributed temperature measurement, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7 (2019) 7984-7992.

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