Birthday : 04/1972
Position: Lecturer
Location : Science Building
Office: Room 426
E-Mail : daiqiang@hrbeu.edu.cn
Research direction: Optical Measurement Technique
2006-2012 Ph.D in Mechanical design and theory Harbin Engineering University
2002-2005 M. Eng. in Optical Engineering Harbin University of Science and echnology
1993-1997 B. S. in Electronic Technology Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology
Work Experience
2005.04-Present, Lecturer in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China
2014.09-2015.09, Visiting scholar in Institute of Applied Physics, University of Jena, German
Teaching Experiences
2022.04-Present, Optical system Design, Undergraduate course and Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2021.03-Present, Optics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2016.03-2020.06, Applied Optics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2006.09-Present, Optical Measurement Technique, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2005.09-Present, Photoelectric Information Synthesis Experiment, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
Selected Publications
Nanoliter liquid refractive index sensing using a silica V-groove fiber interferometer, Photon. Res. DOI10.1364/PRJ.7.000792
Review on fiber-optic sensing in health monitoring of power grids, Opt. Eng. DOI10.1117/1.OE.58.7.072007
Characterization of Specialty Fibers (Chapter of Handbook of optical fiber), Springer https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-10-7087-7_59#citeas