Birthday : 05/1992
Position : Associate Professor
Location : Science Building
Office: Room 310
E-Mail : liwenjia@hrbeu.edu.cn
Research direction : Metamaterials
2015-2020 Ph.D in Physics Harbin Institute of Technology
2011-2015 B. S. in Physics Harbin Normal University
Work Experience
2023.07- Present, Associate professor in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China
2022.09-Present, Visiting Research Fellow in Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, China
2020.08-2023.06, Lecturer in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China
Teaching Experiences
2021.09-2021.12, Optical thin films, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2021.09-2021.12, College Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University
2021.03-2021.06, Plasmonics and their applications, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University
and so on.
Selected Publications
Wenjia Li, Jinhui Shi, Chunying Guan*, Zheng Zhu, Yang Gao, Shutian Liu, and Jianlong Liu*. Perfect transverse spin splitting by a single particle with bianisotropy. Physical Review B. 104, 23, 235418 (2021).
Wenjia Li, Haoran Li, Zhaoqi Jiang, Wenxia Xu, Yang Gao, Shutian Liu, Zheng Zhu, Chunying Guan, Jinhui Shi*, and Jianlong Liu*. Spin-locked scattering of unpolarized light by magnetoelectric coupling. Physical Review A. 106, 5, 053501 (2022).
Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu*, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu*. Enhanced spin Hall effect of light scattering on a meta-atom with bianisotropy. Physical Review A. 102, 6, 063527 (2020).
Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu*, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutan Liu*. Circular polarization of Cherenkov radiation assisted by metasurface on waveguides. Optics Letters. 45, 2, 315-318 (2020).
Kaihao Zheng, Wenjia Li*, Botian Sun, Yehan Wang, Chunying Guan, Jianlong Liu, and Jinhui Shi*. Annular and unidirectional transverse scattering with high directivity based on magnetoelectric coupling. Optics Express. 32, 9, 14037-14047 (2023).