Dr. Wenhui Zhao

Date:2023-07-26 ClickTimes:

Birthday : 02/1977

Position: Professor

Location : Science Building

Office: Room 305

E-Mail : zhaowenhui1977@hrbeu.edu.cn

Research direction: Fiber optic sensors, College Physics education


2003-2009 Ph.D in Computer Science and Technology  Harbin Engineering University

2000-2003  M. Eng. in Optical Engineering            Harbin Engineering University

1994-1998  B. S. in Physics                         Peking University

Work Experience

2021.09-Present, Professor in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China

2017.11-2018.11, Visiting Scholar in X-ray fiber optic sensors, University of Limerick, Ireland

2016.12-2017.6, Post-doctoral in X-ray fiber optic sensors, University of Limerick, Ireland

2008.07-2021.09, Associate professor in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China      

2003.09-2008.07, Lecturer in College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, China

Teaching Experiences

2021.07-Present, Physics for Marine Science, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2020.03-Present, College Physics (English), Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2019.03-Present, Training of scientific research ability for college students , Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2018.03-2021.07, College Physics (Chengeng Experiment Class), Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

1998.09-Present, College Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

Selected Publications

Zhao, WH (Zhao, Wenhui); Cong, L (Cong, Lu); Guerrero-Sanchez, Y (Guerrero-Sanchez, Yolanda), Radiation effects of nuclear physics rays on hepatoma cells, OPEN PHYSICS (2019)

Chen, LX (Chen, Lingxia); Lewis, E (Lewis, Elfed); Zhao, WH (Zhao, Wenhui); Woulfe, P (Woulfe, Peter); Gillespie, S (Gillespie, Sean); O'Keeffe, S (O'Keeffe, Sinead), Ultra sensitive high temporal resolution measurement of X-Ray pulses from modern Linac machines, IEEE Sensors (2017)

O'Keeffe, S (O'Keeffe, Sinead); Zhao, WH (Zhao, Wenhui); Sun, WM (Sun, Weimin); Zhang, DX (Zhang, Daxin); Qin, Z (Qin, Zhuang); Chen, ZY (Chen,Ziyin); Ma, Y (Ma, Yu); Lewis, E (Lewis, Elfed), An Optical Fibre-Based Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Clinical Linear Accelerator Radiotherapy Delivery, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS (2016)

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