Dr. Yao Zhu

Date:2023-07-26 ClickTimes:

Birthday : 12/1991

Position: Instructor

Location : Science Building

Office: Room 104

E-Mail : zhu_yao@hrbeu.edu.cn

Research direction: Optical fiber sensing technology


2016-2021 Ph.D in Optical Engineering    Harbin Institute of Technology

2014-2016  M. Eng. in Optical Engineering   Harbin Institute of Technology

2010-2014  B. S. in Optoelectronic Technology  China University of Mining and Technology

Work Experience

2021.11-Present, Instructor in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

Teaching Experiences

2022.03-Present, College Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

Academic Communication

1. 2019.10.26-11.02, Manchester UK: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference

2. 2018.11.12-11.14, Beijing China: The 2018 International Workshop on the High Energy CEPC

3. 2018.03.03-03.16, Chicago USA; The Excellence in Detector and Instrumentation Technologies (Fermilab)

Selected Publications

1. Yonggui Yuan, Jin Li, Yao Zhu*, Shuaifei Tian, Yunlong Zhu, Zheng Zhu, Xiaojun Zhang, Fuqiang Jiang, Fanyang Dang, Jun Yang. A high-stable self-referenced PGC demodulation algorithm for fiber-optic interferometric sensor[J]. Optical Fiber Technology, 2023, 76: 103249.

2. Yao Zhu*, Sen Qian, Qi Wu, Guoqing Zhang, Lishuang Ma, Zhile Wang. Study on fast timing MCP-PMT in magnetic fields from simulation and measurement[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2021, 318: 112487.

Copyright©2023 School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

Address: Harbin Engineering University Science Building, No. 145 Nantong Street, Nangang District, Harbin City   |   Zip code: 150001   |  Tel: 0451-82519754

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