Dr. Zhe Liu

Date:2023-07-26 ClickTimes:

v Birthday : 01/1989

v Position: Lecturer

v Location : Science Building

v Office: Room 410

v E-Mail : liuz@hrbeu.edu.cn

v Research direction: Theoretical condensed matter physics


2011-2016 Ph.D in Condensed Matter Physics         Jilin University

2007-2011  B. S. in Physics                        Jilin University

    Work Experience                                                                           

2019.07-Present, Lecturer in College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

2017.07-2019.07, Posdoctoral Research Fellow in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Teaching Experiences                                                                      

2023.09-Present, Quantum Mechanics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2023.03-Present, Physics and Ocean Science IV, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2021.10-2022.10, Introduction to Applied Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2021.03-Present, Condensed Matter Physics, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2020.09-Present, Quantum Mechanics, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2020.09-2022.01, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2020.03-Present, Developments of Modern Physics, Graduate course, Harbin Engineering University

2020.03-Present, College Physics, Undergraduate course, Harbin Engineering University

   Selected Publications                                                                            

1.Zhe Liu, Yu Li, and Yi-Feng Yang*, Possible nodeless s^\pm-wave superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene. Chinese Physics B, 28, 077103 (2019).

2.Zhe Liu, Liwei Jiang, and Yisong Zheng*. Band structure of a three-dimensional topological insulator quantum wire in the presence of a magnetic field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 275501 (2016)

3.Zhe Liu, Mingfeng Zhu, and Yisong Zheng*. Quantum transport properties of graphene in the presence of randomly distributed spin-orbit coupling impurities. Physical Review B, 92, 245438 (2015)

4.Zhe Liu, Liwei Jiang, and Yisong Zheng*. Tunable valley polarization by a gate voltage when an electron tunnels through multiple line defects in graphene. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, 045501 (2015).

5.Zhe Liu, Guodong Yu, Haibo Yao, Lei Liu, Liwei Jiang, and Yisong Zheng*. A simple tight-binding model for typical graphyne structures. New Journal of Physics, 14, 113007 (2012).

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